Thursday, July 7, 2011

Julian Walker, CEO of 127th Street Films

Julian Walker
CEO of 127th Street Films

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fat Cat up close

Lorenzo "Fat Cat" Nochols

What made you want acquired the Fat Cat script?

• Cat’s impact has had a long reaching ripple effect. There isn’t a person in this country who wasn’t impacted by the crack era and the laws put in place, either directly or indirectly through it’s influence in pop culture/hip hop, and Fat Cat is the personification of that era and all it entailed. It’s an important and relevant story that needs to be told. Cat defined an area and era.

What makes the script different from what has already been published/ from what everybody knows?

• The script takes you back- long before Cat’s name had a notorious ring to it. Back to his childhood, back to the things that really impacted him. Above and beyond the streets, above and beyond anything that can be captured in pop culture. The script is Cat’s truth.

What scene stands out to you most?

• The scene that stands out most to me, the scene that struck me the hardest, was the scene where he retaliated against a neighborhood bully. With the backing of every kid on the block he took back what was his. He divided and conquered, like any true leader.

Why are you reaching out to the hip hop community?

• We are reaching out because this story has been kept alive through music, books, documentaries and articles in large part to the success of hip hop notables like 50 Cent and Nas who both hail from Queens. It's also my hope and intention to involve talent from the hip hop community. I'd like them to see this as "their" project.

What Other Projects are you working on?

• Other People’s Money written by Paul Dawson. It is a completely different genera with totally different considerations than the Fat Cat project.

It’s about a white collar criminal who attempts to flee with his last $25m but is being pursued by a series of hit-men and two dedicated organized crime detectives. We brought together a truly talent group of people who it has been a pleasure to work with.

It's been a crazy day!

Monday, June 13, 2011

'Fat Cat' Produced by Julian Walker and Sophie Lily Weinstein
A 127th Street Films & Synergy Media Productions

From Queens Comes Kings

Legendary Drug Dealer in Queens, NY in the 80's dubbed Lorenzo "Fat Cat" Nichols. Was bigger than the Supreme Team, the Cooley Brothers, and "Tony Montana" Michels. Supplied Drugs to the Supreme Team and was the 1st and most dominate hustler to set up the cocaine trade. His organization is responsible for the killing of  rookie cop . Edward Byrne which effectively ended the Crack Era. The assassination sent shock waves throughout the country and changed the landscape of American drug laws forever; from the NYPD to the President of the United States, George Bush Sen.  Bush carried Byne’s Badge in his pocket during his 1988 campaign for presidency. 

Produced by Julian Walker and Sophie Lily Weinstein.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Boy Meets Machine

Synergy Media Productions is loving  Boy Meets Machine! Check it out!
Boy Meets Machine

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Synergy Media Productions

Synergy Media Productions
Film Produtions and Public Relations

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What We Do and Who We Are!

Synergy Media Productions is a full service film production and public relations firm. We are committed to creating innovative projects that stretch across all genera of film and media. Every project's communication plan and subsequent marketing strategy is unique Our approach and execution is customized to our client's needs and the needs of their end consumer. Traditional marketing practices are utilized but are supplemented by innovative online/viral campaigns. This structured approach builds momentum and creates the greatest possible impact.

For More Information please contact us at:

New blog, New Website, New Projects

Synergy Media Productions
Film Prductions and Public Relations

Friday, May 20, 2011


Directed by Ashtar Sayed
Produced by Atul Shaha & Charlotte Poth
Parshva Productions

Bijuka tells the story of Lalli and Painku, a young couple thrust into an arranged marriage in rural India. Lalli suffers greatly at the hands of her husband and in-laws. Lalli flees to her parent’s home in a neighboring village.  After being summoned before the village Panchayat for leaving her husband and her new family Lalli is cornered and gang raped while Painku restrains her. Lalli is now serving a life sentence in Rajasthan prison for killing her husband.

Synergy Media Productions
Film Productions and Public Relations